As coordinators of Extacurricular Activities, our primary concern is “teaching how to think intensely and think critically”, with the goal of leading students to be “free, autonomous, responsible and aware of themselves and of the world around them, capable of dealing with change and uncertainty in a rapidly transforming world, capable of thinking critically and autonomously, creative, with collaborative work skills and communication skills”.
In this way, the school, an optimal space for productive education, sees the training of students as essential for their preparation for the globalized world. Here the seeds of the future are sown and we seek to inspire and prepare students to be true active actors with a view to their insertion in society.
Carla Rodrigues e Teresa Rodrigues de Almeida

Project Description
The European Club suggests carrying out activities in the field of the European dimension.
Target Audience
School community.
Goals of the project
- Create among its members a true European spirit of active citizenship and transmit it to other members of the community to which they belong;
- With the help of partnerships, promote dynamic actions aimed at providing better information on:
- Europe (geographical, historical, cultural, economic aspects, etc.);
- The European Institutions (structure, functioning, objectives, etc.);
- Member States of the European Union and the Council of Europe (political, social, cultural life, etc.);
- Europe's cultural and natural heritage;
Activities to be carried out:
- 1st Term
- Organization of an exhibition in partnership with Museu Universo de Memórias and Núcleo Museológico "O Lyceu": “Christmas in Europe and the World” on December 6th;
- Organization of a lunch with a European Christmas menu in partnership with Núcleo Museológico on December 6th;
- Update of social networks;
- Participation in ExpoLiceu, October 18th, and clarification of students’ doubts;
- Collaborative work with Escola Unesco project;
- Partnership with the European Club of Escola Professional de São Martinho – exchange of Christmas cards.
- 2nd Term
- Celebration of Women's Day (March 8);
- Field trip to Europe Direct facilities;
- Field trip to a European embassy/consulate;
- Awareness-raising action in partnership with Europe Direct (topic to be defined);
- 3rd Term
- Europe Week: exhibition/films
- Conferences:
- MEP Cláudia Aguiar Monteiro
- MEP Sara Cerdas
- Clubs, Groups and Projects Week
- Partnership with the European Club of Escola dos 2º e 3º Ciclos Bartolomeu Perestrelo, Escola Básica de Santo António and Escola Básica do Estreito de Câmara de Lobos – topic to be defined – Jardim de Santa Luzia;
- Celebration of ephemeris:
- European Maritime Day (20 May)
- World Oceans Day (8 June)
- Possibility of establishing partnerships with other Clubs and Projects.
Schedule and location:
Terça das 9:45 às 12:55 e sexta das 11:20 às 12:55
Carla Martins / Hermenegilda Catanho

Project Description
The project covers two aspects:
– a Theater Club, which generally includes between 8 and 15 students, with around three performances on school grounds and two in spaces outside the school;
– the Regional School Theater Festival – Carlos Varela, which receives, on average, five school groups participating in the competition, two to three invited groups (professional or semi-professional), organizes conferences, workshops and the opening and closing ceremonies of the event (where the Awards for Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Plastic Production, Best Sound Design, Best Staging, Best Text and the Carlos Varela Award are awarded). The coordination team is also responsible for all logistics and publicity of the event in the media.
Target Audience
The activities are aimed at students, teachers, coordinators of theater groups/clubs from different schools in the archipelago, representatives of the performing arts from various institutions, employees, the school community and the general public.
Goals of the project
- Acquire basic bodily skills for the creation and interpretation of performing arts;
- Promote a liking for theater and theatrical language, enabling contact with shows inside and outside the school context;
- Build a relationship based on mutual respect, dialogue, solidarity, responsibility, dignity and justice, valuing the different individual/group choices and possibilities of creating/interpreting.
Activities to be carried out:
Schedule and location:
Segunda-feira, das 9:45 às 11:15; Quarta-feira, das 15:00 às 18:10; Quinta-feira das 15:00 às 18:10. Local: Sala de esgrima e gabinete de teatro.
Vanda Caixas / Ana Cristina Afonso / Filipa Moutinho

Project Description
WhatsApp group (online class), with a weekly session, in which curiosities are sent and activities are proposed that will enrich the cultural universe of students, regarding the Latin language and culture.
Target Audience
All interested students (from any area of education and training and from any year of schooling).
Goals of the project
- Provide contact with an ancestral culture and language, sources of our culture and language, enriching the cultural universe of students and the entire educational community.
- Encourage knowledge of the etymology of many Portuguese words originating from Latin, commonly used in different areas of knowledge, contributing to their correct understanding and writing.
- Promote relationships between students and the sharing of knowledge and experiences.
Activities to be carried out:
- Weekly meetings (online);
- A lecture on current Latin issues;
- A field trip and an exhibition, with dates to be determined.
Schedule and location:
Quarta-feira, das 9h45 às 11h15
Maria da Fonte Coelho / Odeta Sousa

Project Description
The dance modality at Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz, active since 2003/2004, aims to emphasize the need for recognition and appreciation of dance in school situations as knowledge, perception and creative process.
This modality aims to provide secondary school students with the opportunity to continue developing their taste for dance and to expand their potential in the world of art through movement, after completing basic education.
As students reach adolescence, it is convenient to create opportunities to motivate them to keep developing physical, cognitive and sensitive capabilities, as well as providing a study of dance made up of an intense challenge of relationships with other curricular subjects, with themes that interest them and are inspired in their collective universe. This will also be a way to include dance in extracurricular areas.
Target Audience
Students from year 10 to year 12.
Goals of the project
Knowing that dance encompasses concepts, procedures and attitudes and needs to be approached in all its dimensions, some objectives were outlined for its teaching, enabling students to:
- acquire basic bodily skills for creating and interpreting dance;
- develop kinaesthetic, spatial and temporal perception;
- promote reflection on values and attitudes from a learning perspective for the exercise of responsible citizenship and promoting inclusion.
Activities to be carried out:
- Participation in school events such as: Week of Groups, Clubs and Projects at Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz;
- Regional School Dance Festival;
- Art week;
- Participation in cultural events;
- Creation of choreographies;
- Production of the musical for the Opening of the XXV Week of Groups, Clubs and Projects.
Schedule and location:
Quintas-feiras – 18h15-20h – Ginásio
Carla Rodrigues

Project Description
In this first year of operation, the Club will promote and support debates, whenever the students choose a topic in the area of the Environment for their activities for Cidadania e Desenvolvimento. The classes will debate each other, culminating in a final debate during Semana dos Clubes.
The aim is to promote research-based discussion, train argumentation, develop debate techniques and improve students' oratory.
Target Audience
8 year 11 and year 12 classes
Goals of the project
- Publicize and participate in projects, particularly those developed in Cidadania e Desenvolvimento;
- Encourage in students a interest in discovery and pleasure in knowledge;
- Carry out activities that promote the development of a spirit of initiative, organization, autonomy, search for valid arguments to defend an ideology or point of view and solidarity;
Activities to be carried out:
- 1st Term
- Selection of 8 classes with the topic “Environment” in their Cidadania e Desenvolvimento project;
- Assigning equal subtopics to pairs of classes:
- Energy Transition
- Electric or Hydrogen Vehicles
- Aquaculture;
- Constitution of a jury to evaluate the debates;
- 2nd Term
- Support for semi-finalist classes;
- Collection and selection of material;
- Research weaknesses in their team and the opposing team;
• Interclass debates;
• Selection of semi-finalists
• Assignment of subtopics for the final phase
- 3rd Term
- Planning the final debate;
- Preparation of participants for the final debate;
- Holding the final debate during Semana dos Clubes.
Schedule and location:
Horário de funcionamento: 2.ªf – 11:25 – 12:55 4.ªf – 14 – 15:45 ; local: Gabinete de Física.
Helena Figueiroa / Flávio Rabaçal

Project Description
The Experimental Sciences Club's main objective is to provide the School with appropriate space and resources for Scientific Education, promoting connections with the community where the School is located. We intend to take advantage of students' free time in a didactic, cultural and recreational way, while promoting scientific education in the educational community and stimulating students' taste for discovery and pleasure in knowledge.
Target Audience
Teachers and students.
Goals of the project
- Rentabilizar os tempos livres dos alunos de uma forma didática, cultural e recreativa;
- Promover a educação científica na comunidade educativa;
- Incentivar nos alunos o gosto pela descoberta e o prazer pelo conhecimento.
Activities to be carried out:
- 1st Term
- Lecture: “Nanomaterials and society”;
- Experimental Activity: “Playing with Physics and Chemistry”;
- Christmas: Special moments have Science; Global Science Opera 2023;
- Curiosities and “Learn More..:” section;
- “The Science Trivia” Competition.
- 2nd Term
- Conference: “How communications work in the area of Civil Protection”;
- Conference: “Chemistry and health: Facts and myths in the 21st century”;
- “Shadowing” activity; MasterClasses: “Being a Scientist for a Day… With your hands on particles”;
- Physics Olympiads – School Phase;
- Physics Olympiads – Regional Phase;
- Easter – Special moments have Science: Arrangements alluding to Easter;
- Curiosities and “Learn More..:” section;
- “The Science Trivia” Competition.
- 3rd Term: Carrying out Experimental Activities:
- Visit of a year 9 school students to Liceu to carry out fun Physics and Chemistry activities;
- Physics Olympiads – National Phase;
- Exhibition – Photographs of the activities carried out by the Club throughout the academic year;
- Interdisciplinary panel – Raising awareness about health and Curiosities and “Know More..:” Section.
Schedule and location:
Quartas – feiras das 15:00 às 16:30, Gabinete de Física
Lídia Lira (Coord) / Ana Filipa Sousa/Elisabete Chaves
Project Description
O Clube O Território – A nossa Casa pretende desenvolver o pensamento geográfico e o gosto pela Geografia, tentando aproximar o conhecimento adquirido nas aulas à realidade presente no território.
Target Audience
Goals of the project
- Compreender que as interações entre os seres e o meio são importantes para que se atinja o equilíbrio dos ecossistemas e a manutenção do património natural;
- Promover o desenvolvimento de competências definidas no perfil do aluno à saída da escolaridade obrigatória, nomeadamente a autonomia, o pensamento crítico e a criatividade;
- Participar na divulgação de informação de interesse à comunidade.
Activities to be carried out:
- Visitas de estudo, Conferências e exposições.
Schedule and location:
Segundas feiras das 13:15 às 14:45 Não existe nenhum local definido.
Bruno Ramalho