SPAD at Escola Jaime Moniz
On October 16th, Sociedade Protetora dos Animais Domésticos (SPAD) was present at ESJM, represented by its clinical director, Cláudia Paixão, accompanied by “Samba”, an abandoned dog, now adopted.
Since its creation, 127 years ago, SPAD has been a reference in the fight for animal rights and welfare on Madeira Island. Animal abuse is still a reality on the island, taking into account the state of suffering in which many arrive at SPAD.
In this awareness-raising activity, Cláudia Paixão presented the organization in all its ranges of action, as well as the procedures that students must follow to volunteer. In addition, the care to be taken with animal feeding was mentioned, as well as the characteristics of the places where the animals should be kept. The importance of sterilization to avoid unwanted litters and the blight of abandonment was also stressed. If it is impossible to adopt an animal, help can come through donations, or by becoming a member of the institution, for 35 euros per year.
This activity was part of the celebration of Animal Day, marked this month at ESJM, through its Núcleo Museológico and Universo de Memórias João Carlos Abreu, with the exhibition “Animals in the Universe”. In Largo do Museu, information regarding European legislation on animal welfare and protection is also presented.
It should also be noted that the lecture had the collaboration of the coordinators of ESJM's Extracurricular Activities.