“Liceu” wins first prize in the ManifestAR challenge

Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz won 1st prize in the ManifestAR challenge – 3rd level.

The fourth edition of the “The Air I Breathe” challenge comes as part of a partnership with the Portuguese Environment Agency – APA and the Eco-Schools Program, whose objective is to stimulate, understand and investigate issues related to air quality, through of a set of activities aimed at schools of all levels of education.

156 schools participated in this project and could choose to undertake four available challenges:

QualAR Panel| all education levels, divided into 3 levels

JogAR | all education levels, divided into 3 levels

ManifestAR | all education levels, divided into 3 levels

Lesson Plans | Challenge for teachers

In this project, 37 schools received awards.

Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz won 1st prize in the ManifestAR challenge – 3rd level.
